New Software Creates Profit Pulling
Video Pages In 60 Seconds That Bring You
10X More Sales & 10 Times More Commissions From Free Youtube Videos

Does ViddX Live Up to The Hype?
Or is it Just Another "Shiny Object" You Should Avoid...

Here's What You Can expect ​With ViddX:

ViddX gives users the ability to legally hijack other people’s videos (one or more), turn them into one video and do the selling for them.

ViddX lets users add multiple dynamic text/description/link under the video and it can be set for how long they’ll stay under video.

ViddX lets user share the new video with social media and generate viral traffic. Viral traffic is pretty easy and obvious as this kind of videos are very popular in the internet.

*As long as this page is up there are still bonus packages available

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What Is The Price & What Are The Upsells?

Viddx Pro Edition ($47)
This got a very special upgrade for you that will take things to the next level.
I’m talking about generating 100x more profits starting today.
This will give you the ability to create unlimited campaigns using ViddX plus DEVELOPERS license which allows you to easily charge $500-$1,000+ to local business owners and other agencies who need leads every single day that want fast, easy solutions for their businesses.
Plus other advanced features including time delayed content, banner ad display and ability to clone existing campaigns.
This Ultimate edition alone can add HUNDREDS of dollars to your bottom line Every. Single. Day.

ViddX Traffic Jacker ($67)
All you need is a little bit of traffic to make ViddX generate commissions for you.
Want more traffic and more commissions?
No problem... ViddX Traffic will allow you to get FREE traffic day after day just like we do.
And GUARANTEE that you'll get FREE traffic on your FIRST day!
You’ll have an UNFAIR advantage over all your competitors and can INSTANTLY start making more money!

ViddX DFY Money Machines ($197)
This will be going to build your customers 20 upcoming LIVE ViddX Money Machines for them to promote + 10 of our previous best HOT campaigns.
This means they will be the FIRST to promote these offers using the ViddX System.
This is SUPER powerful, being able to promote BRAND NEW offers to you BEFORE anyone else.
It’s like having your very own ATM machine depositing cash into your pocket.

ViddX Set This Up On Autopilot ($57)
This will be going to show you how to set up ViddX to run 100% AUTOMATED by outsourcing EVERYTHING!
This opens the flood gates to those commissions flying in every single month while your customers can focus on other money making parts of their biz.

License Rights ($147)
Here you can sell ViddX as their own product and keep 100% of the profits.
And the best part is... WE TAKE CARE OF ALL THE SUPPORT.
You don't have to do anything, just collect your 100% profit and find a way to spend it.
This is amazing for you, if you do not have a product you sell online, and this plugin is something that EVERY ONLINE MARKETER WANTS for their business.
We Know This Is An INSANE Deal For You... that will make you a LOT of money.


These Are My Exclusive Bonuses - NOT AVAILABLE Anywhere Else!

All my bonuses are always made by me, specifically for this product and not PLR or offered by other affiliates

Bonus #1

Bonus #2

Bonus #3

Bonus #4

Bonus #5

Bonuses From Vendor


Only Available If You Also Purchase Any OTO:

How to claim my bonuses:

Find your purchase receipt inside WarriorPlus or JVZoo,

then scroll to the bottom of the page to access your bonuses.

How to claim my special bonuses:

After your purchase please confirm by sending me your WarriorPlus or JVZoo receipt at bonus[at]

I will get back to your with access links for your bonuses (please allow a few days in case I'm very busy or traveling without internet connection).

*As long as this page is up there are still bonus packages available

Why am i recommending ViddX?

Imagine being able to earn commissions from 10 different related products, sometimes even 3 or 4 sales from a single campaign.
STOP Wasting Your Time Doing Things That Don’t Work...

Ø No need to write articles for your blogs and websites ever again.
Ø No more making HUGE investments into your sites (of both time and money).
Ø No more crazy, time-consuming manual labor to rank websites or videos.
Ø Absolutely NO life-draining tech skills required to make this software work for you.
Ø Never again you’ll have to do stupid, boring, repetitive tasks ever again.
Ø ...And no more hard to follow, complicated training materials that makes pull you hair out.

That is why I really love this product and can wholeheartedly recommend it to you today.

Here's What Others Are Saying About ViddX...

Here's A Demo Of ViddX In Action...

Take The Next 30 Days To Test-Drive ViddX with No Risk...

You get a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. If for any reason, or no reason at all, this product is not for you, simply ask for refund, and the vendors will send you every penny back. There’s no risk for you to get started right now. Test drive the entire system on their dime for the next 30 days.

*As long as this page is up there are still bonus packages available

Hurry! Discounted Launch Price Ends In...


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